International Trial Watch


International Trial Watch was created with the aim of facilitating the presence of national and international observers during the trial of special case 20907/2017 before the Spanish Supreme Court. Driven by 6 organisations (Associació Catalana per a la Defensa dels Drets Humans, Col·lectiu Praga, Institut de Drets Humans de Catalunya, Irídia, Novact, Observatori del Sistema Penal i els Drets Humans), the platform enabled the presence of a total of 61 experts: 40 international observers from 4 continents (Europe, America, Africa and Asia), 10 Spanish academics from different universities and former members of the judiciary, and 11 members of organisations dedicated to defending rights and freedoms all around Spain (Madrid, Valencia, Galicia, Andalucía, Basque Country, Balearic Islands and Catalonia).


List of observers and organisations


Results of the observation

Daily summaries of sessions and reports



Transparency with funding
