The Trial
Witness evidence
The witness evidence phase of the trial was the longest as it used 39 sessions out of the total 52.
For ease of reference, we have organised the witnesses into different categories based on the role in which they were called to testify. Each name contains a link to the summary of the corresponding session prepared by International Trial Watch.
There were a total of 417 witnesses, some of which invoked their right not to give evidence. Based on our classification of witnesses the Court heard evidence of: 35 officials, 18 representatives and employees of companies, 81 members of the Guardia Civil, 26 members of Mossos d’Esquadra, 95 members of the Spanish National Police, 7 members of local police, 57 public representatives, 8 activists, 70 people who voted on 1 October 2017 and 20 other people.
Officials and companies
04/03/19 Antonio Bayona Rocamora Senior lawyer of the Parliament
04/03/19 Xavier Muro Secretary general of the Parliament
05/03/19 Juan Antonio Puigserver Technical Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior
06/03/19 Montserrat del Toro López Lawyer of the Administration of Justice of the Court of Instruction 13 of Barcelona
06/03/19 Pedro Buil Armengol Captain of the Merchant Navy and titular practitioner at the Port of Palamós
06-03-19 (no evidence) Núria Llorach i Boladeras Vice President of the Catalan Audiovisual Media Corporation (CCMA)
11-03-19 (no evidence) David Palanqués Bonagua Responsible of CTTI
13/03/19 Jaume Mestre Anguera Responsible for institutional outreach of the Generalitat
13/03/19 Albert Royo Marine Former Secretary General of Diplocat
14-03-19 (no evidence) Antoni Molons García Secretary of Outreach and Citizen Service of the Department of the Presidency
14/03/19 Teresa Prohias Ricart Former Director of Presidential Services
19/03/19 Felipe Martinez Rico Former Undersecretary of the Ministry of Treasury
23/04/19 David Badal Josa Administrative technician, manager of the GEEC program (Electronic Manager of Procurement Files), of the Services Department of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Generalitat
23/04/19 Joan Vidal de Ciurana Manager of Omnium Cultural and former Secretary of Government of the Generalitat
24/04/19 Anna Teixidó Audet Former Head of Protocol of the Department of Vice-Presidency, Economy and Treasury of the Generalitat
25/04/19 Sílvia Sábat Zapater Chief Secretary to the Vice President
25/04/19 Lluís Juncá Pujol Former head of Oriol Junqueras’ office
30/04/19 David Elvira i Martínez Former Head of the Catalan Health Service
06/05/19 Jordi Vilarasau Farré Doctor and Director at the Hospital Moisès Broggi in Sant Joan Despí
08/05/19 José Alberto Carbonell Camallonga Director General of Port of Barcelona
13/05/19 Mercè Corretja Torrens Director General of Public Procurement of the Generalitat
13/05/19 Núria Cuenca i León General Secretariat of the Department of Education
13/05/19 Ricard Font i Hereu Former Secretary of Infrastructure and Mobility and President of the Generalitat’s ports
13/05/19 Francesc Esteve Balagué Director of the Legal Office of the Generalitat
14/05/19 Pere Sol Ordis Lawyer of the Parliament of Catalonia
14/05/19 Mercè Arderiu Usar Lawyer of the Parliament of Catalonia
14/05/19 Montserrat Vintró Feliu Deputy Director General of Economic Management of the Ministry of Justice
22/05/19 Jordi Martínez i Soler Social media advisor to the Communications Department of the Presidency of Parliament
22/05/19 Rosa Maria Sans Margenet Head of the Service of Programming and Dynamization of Activities of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Generalitat
22/05/19 Enric Vinaixa i Bonet Director General of Labor Relations and Quality at Work of the Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Generalitat
22/05/19 Ángel Cortadelles Bacaria Former director of services of the Department of Justice of the Generalitat
23/05/19 Josefina Valls i Vila Director of Services of the Department of Government, Public Administrations and Housing
23/05/19 Xavier Urios Aparisi Chief lawyer of the Department of Government, Public Administrations and Housing
23/05/19 Pau Villòria Sistach Former Secretary General of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat
23/05/19 Josep Solà Font Former Director of Services of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat
06/03/19 Vicente Nos Ripollés Entrepreneur and computer programmer
06/03/19 Quim Franquesa Padrós Entrepreneur and computer programmer
06/03/19 Teresa Guix Requejo Graphic designer
06/03/19 Olga Solanas García Head of communications agency Focus Media SL
06/03/19 Ferran Burriel Alier Head of communications agency Nothingad Comunicació SL
06/03/19 Xavier Xirgo Teixidor Director of El Punt Avui
07/03/19 Pablo Raventós Saenz Administrator at Unipost.
11/03/19 Albert Jaime Planas Raig Former head of production at Unipost in Catalonia
11/03/19 Francisco Juan Fuentes Ruiz Former head of delivery at Unipost in Catalonia
11/03/19 Antonio Manuel Santos Falcon Former head of production at Unipost in Barcelona and Badalona
12-03-19 (no evidence) Jose Oriol González Martinez Manager and owner of Buzoneo Directo
12/03/19 Rosa Maria Sans Travé Human Resources Manager at Artyplan
12/03/19 Enrique Mary Yriarte Employee at Artyplan
24/04/19 Xavier Barragan Calvo Chief Financial Officer of Unipost
24/04/19 Antón Raventós Raventós Chairman of the Board of Unipost
24/04/19 Rafael Ramirez Ramos Responsible of Unipost’s delegation at Passeig de Sant Joan 26 in Barcelona
Security Forces and Bodies
Guardia Civil
5-03-19 i 06-03-19 Diego Pérez de los Cobos Colonel of the Guardia Civil. Secretary of State for Security
07/03/19 Ángel Gozalo Pascual General of the Guardia Civil in Catalonia
19/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP H11346M
19/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP K47019K
19/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP P35979V
19/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP P96540Q
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP R77175H
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP F98511S
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP M81486Q
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP R51133F
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP E98218B
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP S51761E
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP B40743H
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP C73251J
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP F30562U
20/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP M77964J
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP H77877T
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP G36994P
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP H12669K
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP S00885Q
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP S17971T
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP G67504A
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP N31011H
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP G37772B
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP U41506Z
21/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP W86153J
25/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP C57393S
25/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP B35974S
26/03/19 Daniel Baena (TIP T43166Q) Lieutenant Colonel and head of the judicial police of the Guardia Civil in Catalonia
27/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP Z33876W
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP G97659Y
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP G99880L
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP K12314U
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP G57387Z
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP W52137L
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP S24635E
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP C34336U
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP J73137F
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP W79133J
28/03/19 Guardia Civil with TIP C88411L
02/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP J12485S
02/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP L01637A
02/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP T938181V
02/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP W55376V
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP U30527P
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP Z44192J
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP L97409L
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP B17279W
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP P24860N
03/04/19 Guardia Civil amb TIP C70834I
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP D27623V
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP L30567B
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP M39892T
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP B11602Z
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP N97976D
03/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP Q45716Q
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP R12810S
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP G20480Y
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP V11483E
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP Z66018U
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP K62747Z
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP T21380R
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP U93494I
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP Q26078Q
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP I50070J
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP B80404Y
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP W46978K
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP G61262V
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP J85171K
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP Y30747J
04/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP R67502P
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP B98467N
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP J03473D
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP I57753N
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP V71878W
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP W79506I
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP V17236L
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP K12407I
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP X33145Q
09/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP U83881V
15/04/19 Guardia Civil with TIP N29100C
Spanish National Police (CNP)
07/03/19 Sebastián Trapote Former Chief of the CNP in Catalonia
02/04/19 Chief Commissioner of the Provincial Information Brigade of the Superior Prefecture of the CNP in Catalonia with TIP 018564
02/04/19 Santiago Lubián (TIP 015031) Chief Commissioner of the Provincial Judicial Police Brigade in Barcelona
02/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 076074
09/04/19 Head Commissioner of the CNP with TIP 19196
09/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 105992
09/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 128022
09/04/19 Deputy inspector of the CNP with TIP 086089
09/04/19 Deputy inspector of the CNP with TIP 070385
09/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 081704
09/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 096031
09/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 125866
09/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 104314
10/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 088009
10/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 075137
10/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 120522
10/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 126322
10/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 126744
10/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 127996
10/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 088279
10/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 067093
10/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 064915
11-04-19 and 16-04-19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 082910
11/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 107528
11/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 085186
11/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 119182
11/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 114274
11/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 119432
11/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 092783
11/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 082612
11/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 111486
11/04/19 Head inspector of the CNP with TIP 087526
11/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 091126
11/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 104326
11/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 079313
11/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 087576
11/04/19 Deputy inspector of the CNP with TIP 081829
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 089141
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 074881
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 088428
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 086846
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 100445
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 092552
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 106424
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 096181
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 115789
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 096815
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 103406
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 102912
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 117892
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 120381
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 103852
15/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 086496
16/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 082279
16/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 056742
16/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 093493
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 083553
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 092600
16/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 100775
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 099874
16/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 097881
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 090079
16/04/19 Deputy inspector of the CNP with TIP 074151
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 101667
16/04/19 Chief inspector of the CNP with TIP 066175
16/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 087487
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 095458
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 099594
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 093294
16/04/19 Deputy inspector of the CNP with TIP 075085
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 105265
16/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 109541
16/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 120953
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 087688
16/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 119763
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 094670
17/04/19 Deputy inspector of the CNP with TIP 076753
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 076766
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 099306
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 110120
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 110336
17/04/19 Inspector of the CNP with TIP 071004
17/04/19 Deputy inspector of the CNP with TIP 072862
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 102764
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 113391
17/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 095106
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 124302
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 077795
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 093178
17/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 107387
17/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 094601
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 081119
17/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 101381
17/04/19 Official of the CNP with TIP 118664
23/04/19 Agent of the CNP with TIP 104394
Mossos d'Esquadra (CME)
07-03-19 and 11-03-19 Manuel Castellví del Peral (TIP 1116) Head of the General Information Commissioner of the CME
11/03/19 Emilio Quevedo Malo Head of the General Technical Commissariat for Security Planning of the CME
14/03/19 Josep Lluis Trapero Álvarez Major of the CME
27/03/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 2038
27/03/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 3719
28/03/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 11836
28/03/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 13143
28/03/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 17092
28/03/19 Mossa d’Esquadra Alejandra Peralta Jovell
02/04/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 6243
03/04/19 Ferran López Navarro (TIP 1788) Head of the Superior Territorial Commissariat of the CME
04/04/19 Juan Carlos Molinero Juncá (TIP 1324) Former head of the Higher Central Coordination Commissariat of the CME
10/04/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 17854
10/04/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 16646
23/04/19 Sergeant of Mossos d’Esquadra Mediation Area with TIP 1903
23/04/19 Chief inspector of the Mediation Area of the CME (TIP 2481)
24/04/19 Albert Batlle i Bastardas Former Head of the CME
24/04/19 Albert Donaire Malagelada Mosso de Esquadra with TIP 17130
30/04/19 Pere García Quer General Secretary of the Union Sindicat Autònom de Policia (SAP) of the Mossos d’Esquadra
06/05/19 Sergeant Head of Special Services and Counter-Surveillance Unit of the CME bodyguar area with TIP 5834
06/05/19 Mosso d’Esquadra with TIP 9823
06/05/19 Deputy inspector with TIP 3404 Deputy Head of the Area Brigada Mòbil of the CME
06/05/19 Inspector with TIP 5422 Head of Area Brigada Mòbil of the CME
06/05/19 Josep Guillot Colls Councilor of the Mossos d’Esquadra Command Union (SICME)
06/05/19 Sergi Pla (TIP 3638) Commissioner of the CME
13/05/19 Jordi Rodón (TIP 1622) Head of the CME Regional Reaction and Device Unit
Local Police
02/04/19 Officer of the Guàrdia Urbana in Badalona with TIP 1292
02/04/19 Officer of the Guàrdia Urbana in Badalona with TIP 1398
10/04/19 Officer of the Guàrdia Urbana in Badalona with TIP 1402
10/04/19 Agent of the Guàrdia Urbana in Badalona with TIP 486
10/04/19 Agent of the Guàrdia Urbana in Badalona with TIP 380
10/04/19 Agent of the Guàrdia Urbana in Badalona with TIP 455
10/04/19 Agent of the Guàrdia Urbana in Badalona with TIP 476
Public representatives
Members of the Generalitat
05/03/19 Neus Munté Fernández Former Regional Minister of the Presidency and Government spokesperson
23/04/19 (no evidence) Pere Aragonès i Garcia Secretary of Economy of the Government of the Generalitat
23/04/19 Jordi Jané i Guasch Former Regional Minister of Interior of the Generalitat
23/04/19 Meritxell Ruiz Isern Former Regional Minister of Educations of the Generalitat
23/04/19 Jordi Baiget i Cantons Former Regional Minister of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat
Members of the Spanish Government
27/02/19 Mariano Rajoy Brey Former Spanish President
27/02/19 Soraya Saenz de Santamaria Former Vice President of the Spanish Government
27/02/19 Cristobal Montoro Former Minister of Economy
28/02/19 Juan Ignacio Zoido Former Minister of Interior
04/03/19 José Antonio Nieto Secretary of State for Security of the Ministry of the Interior
05/03/19 Enric Millo Former delegate of the Spanish Government in Catalonia
Members of Parliament
27/02/19 Eulalia Reguant MP of CUP
27/02/19 Antonio Baños MP of CUP
27/02/19 Núria de Gispert Former President of Parliament
28-02-19 (no declara) Josep Ginesta MP of ERC and General Secretary of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat
28-02-19 (no declara) Francesc Iglesias MP of ERC and Secretary of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generalitat
28-02-19 (no declara) Adria Comella MP of ERC and former secretary of Justice of the Generalitat
28/02/19 Albano Dante-Fachín Pozzi Former MP of Cataluya Si que es Pot
28/02/19 Ernest Benach i Pascual Former President of Parliament
04/03/19 José María Espejo Saavedra MP and Second Vice President of the Bureau of Parliament for Ciutadans
04/03/19 David Pérez Ibáñez MP and Second Secretary of the Bureau of Parliament for PSC
04/03/19 Roger Torrent MP of ERC
25/04/19 Jordi Orobitg i Solé MP of ERC
25/04/19 Teresa Vallverdú i Albornà Former MP of Junts pel Sí
25/04/19 Rubén Wagensberg MP of ERC and aware of the activities of the initiative “En Peu de Pau”
29/04/19 Lluis Llach i Grande Former MP of Junts pel Sí
13/05/19 Mireia Boya Former MP of CUP
14/05/19 Lluis Corominas Díaz Former First Vice President of the Bureau of Parliament
14/05/19 Anna Isabel Simó i Castelló Former First Secretary of the Bureau of Parliament
Other public representatives
27/02/19 Joan Tardá MP of ERC at Congreso de los Diputados
27/02/19 Artur Mas Gavarró Former President of the Generalitat
27/02/19 Marta Pascal General coordinator of PDeCAT and former MP of Parliament
28/02/19 Xavier Domènech MP at Congreso de los Diputados and former MP of Parliament
28/02/19 Ada Colau Mayor of Barcelona
28/02/19 Gabriel Rufián Romero MP of ERC at Congreso de los Diputados
28/02/19 Íñigo Urkullu Renteria Lehendakari of the Basque Government
27/03/19 Felix Von Gründberg Member of the German Parliament and international observer
24/04/19 Joan Ignasi Elena Spokesperson of the Pacte Nacional pel Referèndum
24/04/19 Neus Lloveras i Massana President of the Associació de Municipis per la Independència
24/04/19 Jordi Solé Ferrando MEP of ERC and mayor of Caldes de Montbui
25/04/19 Gerardo Pisarello Prados First deputy mayor of Barcelona, member of the board of trustees of the Diplocat
25/04/19 Maria Teresa Aymerich Bolta Mayor of Sant Vicenç dels Horts
25/04/19 Bernat Picornell i Grenzner Senator of ERC
25/04/19 Joaquim Ayats i Bartrina Senator of ERC
29/04/19 lsaac Peraire Soler Present at the concentration in front of the Regional Ministry of Economy and at the home of Mr. Jové
29/04/19 Ana Gomes Portuguese MEP
29/04/19 Ivo Vajgl MEP and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia
29/04/19 Andrej Hunko Member of the German Parliament
29/04/19 Manon Massé Member of the Parliament in Quebec
30/04/19 Juliá Fernández i Olivares Deputy mayor of Sabadell
30/04/19 Albert Salvado Fernández First deputy mayor of Sant Carles de la Ràpita
30/04/19 Laura Castel i Fort Senator of ERC
30/04/19 Eloi Hernández i Mosella Mayor of Fonollosa
30/04/19 Jordi Salvador i Duch MP of ERC at Congreso de los Diputados
30/04/19 Maria del Carme Rallo i Casanovas Mayor of Sant Esteve Sesroviras
06/05/19 Xavier Trías i Vidal Eyewitness to the events of 20 September
13/05/19 Jaume Asens i Llodrá Deputy mayor of Barcelona
Activists, voters and others
25/04/19 Jordi Armadans Gil Director of Fundipau and aware of “En Peu de Pau”
25/04/19 David Fernández Ramos Former MP, member of CUP and aware of the activities of “En Peu de Pau”
14/05/19 Ramon Font Núñez Spokesperson of “Escoles Obertes” and the Teacher Union USTEC
14/05/19 Marina Garcés Mascañeras Member of “En Peu de Pau”
30/04/19 Joan Pau Salvadó Fernández
30/04/19 Jordi Rubinart i Rufach
30/04/19 Emili Gaya i Talló
30/04/19 Ferran Soler i Jubany
30/04/19 Marc Puigtió i Rebollo
30/04/19 Jordina Carbó i Pascual
30/04/19 Jordi Torrent i Mofí
30/04/19 Jordina Freixanet i Pardo
30/04/19 Ramon Antoni Forteza Colomé
30/04/19 Santiago Valls i Molina
30/04/19 Pilar Calderon i Vila
06/05/19 Irineo Alvarado Crosas
07/05/19 Pere Font i Barceló
07/05/19 Josep Fort Padró
07/05/19 Mercè Alegre Roca-Ribas
07/05/19 Víctor Manuel Suñé Socias
07/05/19 Agustí Ferrer Teixidó
07/05/19 Francesc Xavier Almirall Garcia
07/05/19 Martí Carreras Planas
07/05/19 Joaquim Vallès Dalmau
07/05/19 Jordi Cuyàs Soler
07/05/19 Joan Porras Álvarez
07/05/19 Virginia Martínez Martínez
07/05/19 Pere Sitjá Rius
07/05/19 Carme Budé Pérez
07/05/19 Antonio Taules Mases
07/05/19 Enric Climent Ariño
07/05/19 Mª Dolors Prats Llort
07/05/19 Jesús Bricolle Ibañez
07/05/19 Miriam Camp Figueras
07/05/19 Adriano Raddi
08/05/19 Guillem Galceran Galceran
08/05/19 Marga Borras Bargalló
08/05/19 Antoni Sala Cuñé
08/05/19 Alfons Barceló Casas
08/05/19 Agustí Valls I Prats
08/05/19 Josep Lluís Torres Simón
08/05/19 Joan Torres Binefa
08/05/19 Joaquín María Palau Padró
08/05/19 Maria Rosa Arboix Sagarruy
08/05/19 Carles Valls Arnó
08/05/19 Jordi Vidal Valls
08/05/19 Isabel Castell Solá
08/05/19 Josep Marimon Rovira
08/05/19 Josep Grima Galvez
08/05/19 Lluis Peris Lleonart
08/05/19 Francesc-Joaquim García Rabella
08/05/19 Montserrat Higueras Tobajas
08/05/19 Maria Guadalupe Prades Fonts
09/05/19 Josep Joventeny i Vergés
09/05/19 Joan Manuel Andreu Roman
09/05/19 Antoni Altaió i Morral
09/05/19 Núria Riera Capdevila
09/05/19 Carme Baqué Puig
09/05/19 Xavier Figuerola Sacasas
09/05/19 Antoni Caralt Muñoz
09/05/19 Rosa Poch Sigüenza
09/05/19 Venanci Saborit Pascual
09/05/19 Nemesio Fuentes Pulido
09/05/19 Rafael Martín López
13/05/19 Albert Nogueras Clajez
13/05/19 Mª Pilar Rodríguez Catoira
13/05/19 Jordi Lleal Giralt
14/05/19 Magdalena Clarena Davant
14/05/19 Santiago Guerra Ciriano
14/05/19 Maria Luisa Carrillo Mingonance
14/05/19 Esther Raya
14/05/19 Jordi Pesarrodona Capsada
14/05/19 Joan Badia Pujol
14/05/19 Jordi Meca Fernández
12/03/19 Enric Vidal Famadas Political Action Coordinator of ERC and Graphic Designer
27/03/19 Helena Catt Spokesperson for the International Team of International Electoral Experts
23/04/19 Josep Mª Cervero Plubins Member of ANC and Òmnium
25/04/19 Félix Martí Ambel Former Director of the Centre UNESCO Catalunya
25/04/19 Enoch Alberti Rovira Former Member of the Consell Assessor per a la Transició Nacional and part in the creation of the White Book
25/04/19 Joan Vintró Castells Former Member of the Consell Assessor per a la Transició Nacional and part in the creation of the White Book
25/04/19 Jacint Jordana Director of Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), member of the board of Trustees of Diplocat
25/04/19 Antoni Millet Abbad Director of CEI International Affairs (Diplomatic School in Barcelona), member of the board of Trustees of Diplocat
25/04/19 Daniel Garcia Tenorio Membere of the National Secretariat of UGT Catalunya, member of the board of Trustees of Diplocat
29/04/19 Jordi Molinera i Poblet Employee at ANC
06/05/19 Pere Miralles Member of ANC
06/05/19 Javier Pacheco General Secretary of CCOO a Catalunya
06/05/19 Antonio Morral Former Member of the General Secretariat of ANC
13/05/19 Joan Vallvé i Ribera Former Third Vice President of Òmnium Cultural
13/05/19 Itziar González Virós Member of the Pacte Nacional pel Referèndum
13/05/19 Camil Ros i Duran General Secretary of UGT Catalunya
13/05/19 Silvia Prats Cortés Volunteer at ANC
13/05/19 Maria Luisa Martínez Olivera Volunteer at ANC
13/05/19 José M. Álvarez Suárez General Secretary of UGT
14/05/19 Lluís Matamala Ribó Lawyer present on 1-O at Escola Joncadella in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada
14/05/19 Jaume Pich Maciá Lawyer present on 1-O at Escola Sant Miguel in Castellgalí
14/05/19 Silvia Carmona Belmonte Lawyer present on 1-O at Escola Joventut in Callús
14/05/19 Mercè Torras Palá Lawyer present on 1-O at Town Hall in Fonollosa
22/05/19 Ricard Gené Casals Former member of the National Secretariat of ANC